A release-upgrade procedure, styled as that of LMDE for example, is considered?
On Tuesday 26 March 2024, Paolo Dongilli via FUSS Community < fuss-community@lists.fuss.bz.it> wrote:
Dear FUSS Community,
with much pleasure we announce the release of the latest ISO image of
FUSS 12 based on Debian 12.5.
As usual you can find it here: https://iso.fuss.bz.it/fuss12/client/
We updated the kernel (6.1.76-1) and all packages. New packages were added by the latest upgrade of fuss-software
- minder
- openjdk-17-jdk
- musescore4
- balena-etcher
- keepassxc
- onboard
Please don't hesitate to report bugs or suggest new packages that you'd
like to see in the FUSS distribution.
Best regards, Paolo
FUSS - Free Upgrade for a Sustainable School - https://fuss.bz.it Sostenibilità digitale a scuola Digitale Nachhaltigkeit in der Schule Sostignibilité digitala a scora Digital Sustainability at School
Paolo Dongilli Ispettore Tecnico | Technischer Inspektor Coordinatore FUSS | FUSS-Koordinator 17.4 - Finanziamento Scolastico | 17.4 - Schulfinanzierung Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol Via del Ronco, 2 | Neubruchweg 2 Tel +39 0471 411337 Cel +39 328 8293923
FUSS - Free Upgrade for a Sustainable School - https://fuss.bz.it Sostenibilità digitale a scuola Digitale Nachhaltigkeit in der Schule Sostignibilité digitala a scora Digital Sustainability at School
Sportello Open & Linux Schalter https://fuss.bz.it/open-linux-desk/
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